Expiration date: 1 year
Used by the Stripe payment platform to remember the user and prevent fraud.
Expiration date: 30 minutes
It facilitates Stripe payment processing, ensuring secure transactions.
Expiration date: 1 year
Stores successful transaction IDs for displaying payment confirmation popups.
Expiration date: Session
Indicates whether the site is cached by Varnish for faster loading.
Expiration date: 1 day
Used for identifying the created website, enabling proper functionality.
Expiration date: 10 minutes
Stores the commenting mode selected from the admin panel.
Expiration date: Session
Used to maintain a user's session on the website, enabling continuous authentication and content personalization.
Expiration date: Session
This cookie tracks whether a user has created a new site, aiding in personalization and improving website interaction.
Expiration date: 1 year
Contains payment error information, e.g., after being redirected from a payment system.
Expiration date: 30 days
Allows logged-in users to maintain their session, avoiding the need to re-enter their details with every site visit.
Expiration date: 1 minut
Enables bypassing cache for logged-in users, ensuring content is up-to-date.
Expiration date: 1 minut
Determines the duration of Varnish cache sessions, enhancing page load speed.
Expiration date: 14 days
Maintains user session on the site, ensuring continuous activity and authorization without re-logging.
Expiration date: 1 year
Stores user's cookie preferences set in the popup.
Expiration date: 30 days
Manages application connections to prevent the rejection of important requests.
Expiration date: 1 hour
Manages creation and sharing of website pages from templates by webmaster. Preserves user settings.
Expiration date: 30 days
Used for user authentication, ensuring security and a personalized experience on the site.
Expiration date: 1 minut
Enables automatic redirection to a previously chosen URL after a successful login.
Expiration date: 3 months
Used for tracking visits via Facebook Pixel, utilized for advertising purposes.
Expiration date: 2 years
Pertains to Google Analytics. Tracks and reports website traffic, aiding in understanding user behavior.
Expiration date: 2 years
Used for Google Analytics, it measures user interactions and tracks behavior on the site.
Expiration date: 1 day
Used by Google Analytics. Throttles request rate on high traffic sites.
Expiration date: 1 day
Related to Google Analytics. It's used to throttle request rate, enhancing data collection efficiency on high-traffic sites.
Expiration date: 1 day
Used by Google Analytics. Restricts data collection on high-traffic sites by identifying unique users.
Expiration date: 3 months
Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.
Expiration date: 1 day
Associated with Google Analytics. It differentiates users and tracks site interactions.
Expiration date: Session
Stores user session data for Hotjar, enabling analysis of website behavior.
Expiration date: 1 year
Used for analyzing user behavior on the site by Hotjar, helps improve user experience.
Expiration date: 2 years
Collects WebWave statistical data, displayed in the webmaster panel, to monitor user behavior.
Expiration date: 30 minutes
Collects WebWave statistical data, displayed in the webmaster panel, to monitor user behavior.
Expiration date: Session
Collects WebWave statistical data, displayed in the webmaster panel, to monitor user behavior.
Expiration date: 1 day
Used for measuring and analyzing user behavior on the site, employed by Amplitude for generating usage statistics.
Expiration date: 30 minutes
Tracks the first subpage a user visits, aiding in behavior analysis.
Expiration date: 10 minutes
Used for analytics on the duration of the user's first page creation process.
Expiration date: 10 minutes
Used to remember the user's referral source when showing payment options.
Expiration date: 10 minutes
Tracks the source of the payment window call, e.g., from a promotional popup. Helps optimize marketing campaigns.
Zarządzanie plikami cookies – jak w praktyce wyrażać i cofać zgodę?
Jeśli użytkownik nie chce otrzymywać plików cookies, może zmienić ustawienia przeglądarki. Zastrzegamy, że wyłączenie obsługi plików cookies niezbędnych dla procesów uwierzytelniania, bezpieczeństwa, utrzymania preferencji użytkownika może utrudnić, a w skrajnych przypadkach może uniemożliwić korzystanie ze stron www
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